We acquired the knowledge that strategic sitting positions
like meditation, can in fact straighten the back and therefore increase thinking and concentration. Traditionally, meditation was a religious practice with the objective of altering ones everyday consciousness to reach a state of receptiveness. The traditional and most well known meditative posture involves sitting in a
cross-legged position on the floor or a cushion with an awareness of the bodily position. Meditation yields a surprising number of health benefits, including stress reduction, improved attention, better memory, and even increased creativity and feelings of compassion. 
It has only been in recent times that neuroscientists have been able to peer directly into the brain to see what’s going on. The advent of fMRIs and other brain scanning techniques have largely paved the way. For example, neuroscientists observing MRI scans have learned that meditation strengthens the brain by enhancing the connections between brain cells. A study conducted in 2012 showed that people who meditate exhibit higher levels of gyrification — the “folding” of the cerebral cortex as a result of growth, which in turn may allow the brain to process information faster. Though the research did not prove this directly, scientists suspect that gyrification is responsible for making the brain better at
processing information, making decisions, forming memories, and improving attention. This enhancement of attention is the primary and defining feature of our chair concept.

Perhaps the most significant benefit of meditation is its ability to improve attention. In 2010, researchers looked at participants who practiced focused attention meditation for about five hours each day over a period of three months. After conducting concentration tests, the participants were shown to have an easier time sustaining voluntary attention.
Which makes sense; if you can concentrate for extended periods of time during meditation, it should resonate over to daily life. Focused attention is very much like a muscle, one that needs to be strengthened through exercise.

All of these benefits are because of the form taken when sitting in a meditative position, our chair concept is not meant to enhance thinking or attention. The primary function of the thinking chair is to invoke a thinking position, thus enhancing the experience.

http://noetic.org/meditation-bibliography/meditation-types/ - 01/11/2013
http://io9.com/how-meditation-changes-your-brain-and-makes-you-feel-b-470030863 - 01/11/2013

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